Fighting Mental Decay
Imagine this...
You’re interpreting for physical therapy appointment in an open gym. It’s your fifth appointment of the morning with little time to breath between assignments.
The radio is playing your favorite song. You ignore your pager, which goes off twice, as the therapist rattles off detailed instructions for three new exercises the patient is supposed to add to his home exercise program. You start to interpret when a nearby therapist suddenly starts clapping and cheering as her pediatric patient takes a few labored steps.
Just then your stomach grumbles. You can only remember bits and pieces of what the therapist just said. You’ve completely lost your train of thought.
What went wrong?
There are words flying at you all day long. People, physical conditions, emotional reactions and personal connections can throw your memory for a loop. Without a good memory, you can’t do your job well, and your customers and patients will suffer for it. Knowing how your mind works is one step on your journey of Fighting Mental Decay.
Healthcare interpreters, join us in this session as we develop strategies to minimize the factors that cause memory decay and improve your active recall during the interpreted encounter.
Learning Objectives:
Identify your optimal interpreting environment conditions
Explain causes of memory decay
Explain how distractions impact memory recall
Discuss strategies to counteract memory decay when situations are not ideal
Course Details:
1-hour class
Live, instructor-led, online classroom
Instructor: Erin Rosales
Registration fee: $48.00
“Fatigue makes fools of us all. It robs you of your skills and your judgment, and it blinds you to creative solutions. It’s the best-conditioned athlete, not the most talented, who generally wins when the going gets tough.”